Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's Not Always Simple Math


It’s Not Always Simple Math
The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?
Proverbs 20:24
My husband is 6’5”, does that mean my two boys will be tall?  Probably.  Which means by the way, by the time they are 11, they will most likely be taller than my 5’2” frame.

My brother in law is a workaholic; does that mean his kids will also work way too much?  Maybe.   Smithville got several inches of snow a few weeks ago; did that necessarily mean the kids would be out of school?    If two parents are drug addicts, does that mean the kids will be too?  If someone steals from the grocery store, will they be caught?  If a woman gets cervical cancer, will she die?

Are you getting the point?  With many things in life there is an absolute outcome, but not 100% of the time.  We, mere mortals, really don’t know the outcome before it happens. 
I recently visited a family of  heavy drinkers.  I was shocked when I saw a 3rd generation 19 year old, NOT DRINKING.  I incorrectly assumed he would be boozing it up with the rest of the first generation and second generation families.  But he wasn’t and he was vocal about it and proud. 

My take away was that even though we think we know what will happen in life, based on past experiences and observations, well, it doesn’t always turn out that way.  Seeing this anomaly really did shock me, but it also comforted me.  It helped me to understand that life is not like math, the left side of the equation doesn’t automatically equal the right side of the equation.  Relax people (I mean Yvonne).

Lord, forgive me for always thinking I know it all and worrying about it along the way.  Help me to trust you instead.  Amen.

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