Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pulling Out in Traffic


Pulling out in Traffic

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

2012 has taught me many lessons.  One in particular is that trying to force your life in a certain direction instead of waiting on God’s timing is like pulling out in traffic way too early; it’s just not worth it.    If you pull out in traffic, you may get in an accident, possibly get hurt, definitely damage your car, be late to your destination, pay heavy fines, etc.  Thus, wouldn’t it have been easier to just wait a few seconds, maybe a full minute and pull out when it’s safe?   Then you will arrive at your destination a tad bit later, but perfectly in tact without a heaping dose of pain and troubles?

Absolutely it makes sense when looking at from a distance, but when you are in the middle of the situation, many times it feels like you must push your way into or out of a circumstance, even when the road is extremely difficult and doing so causes all kinds of problems for yourself and others.
But how do you know God’s will or His path for your life?  For one, you need to spend time with Him; this is how He speaks to you.  This can be a prayer in the morning, or at night, or on the way to work, speak to Him as your friend.
Secondly as an example, let’s say you are planning a vacation and nothing seems to be working out, everything falls through.  Do you push harder and harder OR just realize, maybe the timing just isn’t right and you should relax and enjoy a stay-cation?  My husband and I met because a snow storm kept him from a weekend get away.   There are several people that survived the 9-11 attacks because of some weird thing that went wrong with their normal morning routine. 

Enjoy the moment and don’t pull out into chaos and trouble.

Lord, help me to always understand your signs and your voice

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